Saturday, June 2, 2012

Chick-fil-A 5K 2012

The Chick-fil-A race came and went last Saturday and I am glad it is done!  I had fun and my daughters came and watched dh and I cross the finish line.  I have never had them come to a race before and it was nice to have them cheering for me!

My goal was to run it under 33 minutes...although my secret goal was to run it in 30 minutes.  Unfortunately, neither goal was met.  The day was warm and humid and not ideal running conditions.  I hate running in humidity! But, I did better than last years Chick-fil-A race, buy almost 2 minutes, so I am good!

Dh went over to Corral 1 and I walked around enjoying the festivities with the girls.  Sara Beth got a cool cow hat and posed with me....she was mooing like a cow in the picture.  Silly girl!  They had the Running of the Cows race for the kids and she had told me she didn't want to do it.  Of course, that morning she changed her mind, but we forget to grab her running shoes so she didn't get to run...There's always next time!

 We found a cool super Cow as we were perusing the grounds!  We are strong!  We are runners!

 I made my way to Corral 3...yes I am a slower runner.  Corral 3 was for 10:30-12:00 min miles. I started near the front as I didn't want to trip over any walkers. It was a hot, sunny, humid day and I didn't feel it.  I did take 3 10 second walk breaks, but I felt good.  DD captured a picture of me crossing the finish line!  I was smiling!  I knew I was going to get a free Chick-fil-A sandwich!  Yes, I will sometimes run for food!

After chowing down, at least dh did because I didn't have an appetite right away, we noticed the picture platform was empty!  So we had dd take a picture of us. I think we look great post-race! I even got to wear my new running skirt!  WOOT!

Dh PR'd this race.  Last year it took him 34:14.  He did run most of the race with me even though I kept telling him to go on without me!  That was the last time we ran together...thank God!  He has really improved.  This year he finished in 23:43!  WOOT!  That's a 7:39 mile.  Way faster than his times at home.

I pr'd for a race time, but I have run faster once before.  LAst year my time was 35:14.  I think that was great as I just started running!  This year I did in in 33:26!  Almost 2 minutes faster.  And I kept my normal 10:47 pace.

Dh and I are already trying to decide what race is next!  I have a 5k in Sept and we are looking for a half in October!


  1. I finally got a chance to read your run report!! Yipee!!!!!! I am so excited for you, such a huge PR!! And your hubby?! WOW!!! I love being on this crazy running journey with you my friend and can't wait till we pass the castle in the wee hours of the morning in Feb :-)

  2. Great job and love all the pictures! I have yet to run my first race but you certainly make it look fun. Congratulations!!!

  3. Hi, you don't know me. I came across your blog when I was trying to find out what color my bib will be in Feb. Long story short, we'll be running the same race and I wanted to say hello and congrats on all you've accomplished!

